The Emotional Driver: Self Worth

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Self Worth

Did you know your self worth dictates your life?
Tell me, have you ever heard the words of denial
Don’t you think you deserve what you desire?
Are you getting eager to live life in style

Define all your needs and make them permanent
And once you are sure, sure what you need and sure what to leave out
Accept nothing less than the least on your list
And ready yourself to receive what you wish

For within comes the beauty of a well toned soul
That has muscle for keeping your mind whole
What used to break you down and turn you to dust
Has no power over you and in yourself you trust

Forget that the past over you held reign
And never could you run from it or its nectar of pain
Where you once lived into the future and feared what didn't exist
You now live in the present and those fears have been dismissed

For your happiness comes from up and within
Nothing can nourish your self worth when it's others you lend
The control of your possession of reliance on self
To those who do are doomed to a hell

For people will fail you as they often fail themselves
And nouns, people - places - things - don't make up your self worth
For it comes from deep within sprouting through the soil that your heart lives in
Reaching towards the surface you find yourself as you find your own best friend

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So true. But many people will never truly see what they are worth. I like your poetry and will definitely be visiting your blog often