The Emotional Driver: Courage and the Pen

Monday, October 12, 2009

Courage and the Pen

 TEDCast Courage and the Pen

Where is my courage
When I have something to write?

Where is my courage
When there is something on my mind?

Where is my courage
To pick up my pen?

When will my courage begin again?

Kicking and screaming across the page
Like a child not wanting to go to bed

Pushing and shoving from scrawls to lines
Begging and pleading for clever rhymes

Courage and the pen go hand in hand
Courage to speak out from hearts inner land
Courage to break an endless drought
Courage to write when full of doubt

Believe in the pen
And listen to your heart
Get out the paper
And write a new start

Push past the demons
Who laugh when they win
And put down your lines
With a courageous pen


Mark William Jackson said...

The pen is mightier than the sword? I like the imagery of the pen fighting across the page like a child not wanting to go to bed. Cool.

Maxine Beneba Clarke said...

Just keep pushing it across the paper.