The Emotional Driver: God is Apparent

Sunday, November 8, 2009

God is Apparent

God watches over me and gives me comfort
God teaches me and guides me through each day
He wishes only the best for me and it's His will I desire
God is so apparent in my life, He is part of everything

God taught me how to walk when my knees were emotional broken
He showed me what happiness is and how to really laugh
He cried when I made my mistakes and even took the blame
God is apparent in my life, He is part of everything

God watches over me and insures a steady breath
As I sleep each night and wake each day He envelopes me
With acceptance and no-conditioned love I'm allowed to be
God is apparent in my life, He is part of everything

I am a little child in His eyes slowing growing strong
He follows each one of my successes and always builds me up
Like a father to his son there is nothing unforgiven
For God is apparent, a parent to me, He is part of my everything


Unknown said...

God really is a part of everything. Thanks for sharing this beautiful poem.

Maxine said...

Just a clarification: you do know that God is actually a woman, don't you? :)