The Emotional Driver: Boundaries

Friday, November 27, 2009


Will I lose face if I make a stand
And tell you exactly how I feel
Am I danger of losing any ground
That we have shored onto our island

The risks I take haven't been met in the past
With anything like resolve
No courage to face rejection by abeyance
If I state how I feel

So I stand maybe alone, maybe I don't go on
But I can clean up the thoughts that have tortured my head

And withstand a fall even when standing tall
And be safe and strong in my boundary


Anonymous said...

Cool Ted, I especially like the line'but I can clean up the thoughts that have tortured my mind'. And you lose more face if you don't take a stand.

Unknown said...

That's very well done.
It's a situation I face every day but I don't think I could articulate it that well.