The Emotional Driver: Cobwebs

Monday, August 24, 2009


TEDCast Cobwebs

Listening to you speak
Looking throughout my life engaged to your words
Looking inward a visit to my mind
Why are there cobwebs when I want to see clearly?

Why is there dust covering me
When I see things plainly, completely, clearly
There is clarity, understanding, mind injections of insight

Bright light, shadows chased
And still I listen to you speak
I am engaged, I look at you
My mind is not drifting, swerving away

I am not texting or twittering, or blogging, or denying
I am listening and breaking down walls
I am hearing and letting you in

I am sharing from the depths that are cavernous and dark
Looking sideways, downways, left and right ways, and to the corners
Where cobwebs have gathered

But now in my mind, as engaging as you are, the cobwebs are gone
I listen clearly and speak just as such
And no misunderstandings could arise due to ambiguity

Promiscuity of my thoughts, jumping from here to there but never staying present
And now I realize just how freeing this instant can be
Complete and utter honesty engaged in living this day

1 comment:

Christina-Marie Wright said...

Promiscuity of your thoughts? Dirty! I like it!