The Emotional Driver: Voice to your Soul

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Voice to your Soul

TEDCast of Voice to Your Soul

Praying for a sunrise to show my eyes the light
Where there has been darkness for quite sometime
All along the way I've stumbled in my rayless life
Full of empty failed feelings what a citizen of strife

Looking for distinction between my actions and my thoughts
Confidence extinction bringing panic into my day
Am I my feelings do they characterize me
Defined by domination of little tiny voice

Oh why are you louder than my heartbeat all the time?
Why are you less inclined to build up what is low?
Why do you dismantle everything thing I've built?
Why are you the counsel that I rely upon?

I'm less inclined to listen when I'm christened with a name
That gives me a title that signifies my soul
Like a manic mantra that I repeat until I feel that that little effin voice is tamed!

Now I listen closer, like a best friend, I awaken to the terms
That only I can set down that I can agree only too
For I can define my environment my placement in my world
This other voice, this other choice is now louder in my soul

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