The Emotional Driver: Transcendental Portation

Friday, January 8, 2010

Transcendental Portation

Is it harder on the mind or the body?
The waiting hours and uncertainties
Your fate, your fucking fate, left to others often unseen

A road trip trust fest
Trying not to make waves
In the car not a boat
Yet a sickness arrives faster than we do
Thank god for median warning strips

A flight
A frenzy chase to hurry and wait
And then the not knowing
The fear and the release of control
And the cramped elbowed spaces

A train
Rallying to the rails
Somewhere miles away it chugs along towards me
And I'm waiting in cafes espresso shots replacing patrone

And I'm tired from sitting
Like I've thought with my ass
Where my mind could have spent
All these hours on tasks and projects
And be energized instead

And it makes home that much more
And it makes me that much more

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good stuff Danny, welcome home, you've heralded your return in a big way.