The Emotional Driver: Patience

Monday, October 19, 2009


TEDCast Patience

Patience, why I am waiting for your validation?
Why should I care for your approval?
Patience, other factors I'm uncomfortable to say
I'm just infatuated with your hair

Anger, is this too much of a demand?
Anger, goddammit! I said I'm sorry
And I've made the changes, wait and see
Can't you wait and see?

Pity, here I am again
Pity, I'll stick my head in the sand
Pity, why the hell don't people love me?
Oh, I see.  I must love myself for it to be

Acceptance, finally found that peace of mind
Acceptance, I'm in a place that sunshine fills
Acceptance, the beauty and humility
Inseminates and gives birth to love

1 comment:

Mollie said...

Bella... I want to hear a TEDCast of this!