The Emotional Driver: Who Would Say No?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Who Would Say No?

I know that most of my “Can’t say no” plans are met with resistance.
What seems So straight forward and sound to me Others fail to subscribe.
Another plan I’ll "presentate" to a  potential candidate sometime very soon.
It seems so logical -- so fool proof and so doable -- that in my head who would deny it?

But I’m anxious for reaction, to hear of their opinion, I count the hours till I can schedule a meet.
Yes, it has got some risks – always there is risk, but better still are the rewards.

But, second guessing, are the benefits meant only for me, the outcome of my plan, but sacrifices are much more required, on my part of this trade.

The positive side for my partner in this, is unconditional love, mental health and release from the past, of hurting, betrayals, abuse and denials of broken trust and victimization.

Who would say no to this well meaning plan?
Who would deny a happier life?
Who would not take this chance and not share this find?
Who would say no?  Well, they did.

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